Tifgreen 328
Tifgreen 328 is ideal for those wanting a beautiful fine bladed tight knit grass.
Tifgreen 328 is ideal for those wanting a beautiful fine bladed tight knit grass. .
Dark green color. Has fine blades with high density and excellent leaf uniformity.
Grows well in all types, from heavy clay to sandy soils. Displays an above average tolerance to acidic, alkaline and saline soils.
Mow to a height of .25 to 1.25 inches. Frequency is once to twice a week. Reel mower works best.
To avoid dry out, all newly planted turf should be watered daily and soaked thoroughly to a depth of 3 inches for the first 10 to 14 days. After that initial period, water deeply and infrequently whenever grass is showing signs of dehydration.
0.5 to 1 pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. per growing month when combined with recommended phosphorous and potassium. A good rule of thumb is to apply slow release fertilizers around the holidays (i.e. Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Apply iron in the summer to keep a deep green color. Good balanced fertilizer is 15-15-15- 3F, 21-14-5-3F or 20-20-10-3F. Use a good winterizer for the Labor Day application. Avoid N applications during hot months this will only increase plant demands for water.