Sierra Vista Wholesale Growers endeavors to support the community by donating plants and materials to special projects. We help educate young people by offering field trips and garden tours to any groups that are interested. We cooperate with the El Paso Water Utilities Board by helping our citizens convert to water-wise, beautiful and lush desert landscapes.
Our extensive retail operations are open year-round and include 9 acres of beautiful shrubs, trees, perennials, annuals, herbs, and tropical plants. There are over 180,000 square feet of greenhouses which are partilly open to the public. We offer credit towards the purchase of plant materials by accepting nursery stock containers and bedding plant flats for recycling. We are proud to be a destination for families in the border region. Our visitors with dogs are welcome, as long as your pet is kept on a leash.
Our wholesale clients range from landscaping professionals, including architects to public schools, universities and southwestern cities. For information on receiving wholesale benefits, please contact our office staff. We specialize in large caliper boxed trees, B & B palms, ground covers, native shrubs and perennials for mass plantings, etc.