Pepper Serrano

Botanical Name: 
Capsicum frutescens

Serrano’s grow to about 1”to 4” long and do not dry very well due to the fact Serrano’s are very meaty. They come in red, brown, orange, and yellow depending on how long they are left on the stalk. Serrano pepper plants grow to a height anywhere in between 24”to 36” tall. They do not need to be steamed or peeled before use because of their thin walls.

Plant Characteristics
Plant Category: 
Herbs & Vegetables
Pepper Serrano
Plant Type: 
Mature Size: 
24" to 36"
Full sun
Soil Type: 
Clay; loam; sand; acidic; alkaline; well drained
Planting Time: 
April to October

Scoville heat scale 8,000 - 22,000
Plant outside after last frost or April 15th. Space 1 ½ to 1’ apart. Dig hole 2-3 times larger than root ball. Mix in ¼ to 1/3 compost, backfill, press lightly and water deeply. After a few weeks, before blossoms appear, give the plant ¼ to ½ cup organic vegetable fertilizer. Water deeply and thoroughly and do not allow to dry completely. Too little water will cause “dog - tail” or curled misshapen peppers.
To harvest snip the stems with scissors or clippers